Monday, July 11, 2011

Yorkshire Terror #K9

That is Cecilia's Derby name. She comes to lots of practices and loves the attention. I will have to get her a jersey and some fishnets. Here are some more pics from last Thursday. Lots of falling. Lots of laughing. A little vaudeville?

Skating turned into a little bit of dancing.
Drew Fairywhore, Mal and Launchpad McCrash.

Immediately after Launchpad and I had agreed that
we are extremely effective blockers.

Leaning drill with FairyWhore.
Attempting to push the other girl off the track.
We were practicing "Method Skating" to get into character for scrimmages.
(I was pretty much faking this drill.
I could have knocked her across the warehouse she's so small.)

This was entirely on purpose.....yeah... entirely.
Helmets are a great invention, otherwise I would have kicked
Lauchpad in the head with my skate.

Photos courtesy Jason Santti. A.K.A Mr. Ego

1 comment:

Anna said...

These pics are much better now that I'm not driving. I like. Especially your "angry eyes" and the falling down parts:)