Monday, June 28, 2010

Dr. No

Anna reminded me that it is time for my annual blog post, so you can blame her.

Warning: Political propaganda to follow.

I long for the days when I couldn't care less about politics. Damn you Ron Paul for making me give a crap! I voted for Ron in the 2008 primary and wrote him in for the General Election. I even registered as a Republican in order to vote for him. That is huge for me. I have never registered with a political party and cringe with affiliating with the GOP for sure. (I also refuse to sign a 2 year cell phone contract.)

Fox News/Shawn Hannity/Bill O'Reilly HATE him which is about the best endorsement I can think of. Jon Stewart respects him and has praised his consistent principles which is the 2nd best endorsement I can think of. He is against the "war on terror", "the war on drugs", the IRS, the Federal Reserve and in favor of withdrawing from the UN. He voted against the war, against the bill to Define marriage, he believes in legalizing marijuana, and is friggin' educated about foreign policy. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget and he will not support legislation which is not consistent with The Constitution (Want to change it? Okay, they're called Amendments). Hence his nickname as Dr. No. Whether or not I agree with his personal social views (he is pro-life and is not a supporter of gay marriage) doesn't matter, he would not make a vote that gives the Federal Government the right to choose for you.

So at the risk of being labelled a Paul-tard, a Paulite, or heaven forbid a "selective libertarian" I will publicly endorse Ron Paul for ANY damn thing he runs for. I drive my RP bumper sticker with pride.

And just cuz I love me some lolz,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"I'm seeing that she doesn't like going to the Vet....."

Finally Non? Several months ago I had an appointment with a "doggie communicator." Brandy and Casey had done it with Serena and some interesting things came out so with all of Cecilia's medical issues in September I wanted to know what she would say. First off there were very few things that seemed eerily right on. A lot that could be guessed by logic and even more that was completely off base.

First thing she says is "where is the little black dog?" Implying that Cecilia is thinking of this dog and wondering where it is. I do not know of a little black dog. She goes on to say that she thinks it i a Yorkie just darker than Cecilia. Hmmm, even more Nope!

This appointment was a few weeks after Cecilia's surgery and I told her that the surgery had happened and that I wanted to know what she had to say about what was wrong. So throughout the appointment she kept saying that she was seeing all of these medical things, she kept talking about an issue in her intestines. Perhaps a kink in an intestine? Things are flowing much better in her digestion. She can swallow easier. Puss or Mucous in the stomach? I ended up telling her what was wrong with Cecilia and she then attempted to connect the things she had said previously to the liver.

A lot of the appointment was filler comprised of her talking about Cecilia needing good stomach flora and nutritional issues that could use attention. She talked a lot about MY nutrition as well. Apparently my "guides" were telling her that I had immune system issues, my blood system needed to be cleared, I am missing even more Stomach Flora then Cecilia and I may possibly have an issue with my Appendix. That I needed to eat lean meats and leafy greens. Also my guides are pointing me to a profession in the medical field. All humans have 2-5 guides that are with us our entire lives. Crap! I forgot to ask whether any of mine were single.

It was an hour appointment so I can't go over everything so here are some of the things that were interesting to me.

1. "Do you chew food and then give it to her?" Hmmm. Kind of...It was a routine before Cecilia was sick that on the way to work we stopped at the gas station for a Diet Coke and I would get her a hot dog. She could/would not bite the hot dog directly and I would bite off pieces and them give them to her. Apparently she was missing that. We had to stop as soon as I found out she was sick. (this was more impressive to me until she added that she does the same with her Yorkie)

2. "Cecilia wants you to sing again." Hmmm. I sing alot. To myself or at home, not in public or anything. I love to work late at night when nobody else is in the office and just belt out terrible singing. When she said this I realized that when Cecilia got sick I had stopped singing. Apparently Cecilia wants me to sing again because it makes me happy. Honestly I just assumed that I was annoying the hell out of her all the time.

3. "Where is she seeing the Easter Eggs?" Hmmm...What the hell? She says Cecilia is describing Easter Eggs and wants to find them and get one in her mouth. I wrote this one off as nothing until later that night. I had been thinking about it and asked Anna if there had been any Easter Eggs around the house. Apparently they had been cleaning out a bunch of storage areas and Nina had found some Easter Eggs and was playing with them.

4. "She is describing you having headaches or tightness in your forehead." Hmmmm... Is my scar really that visible? I had a bump form on my forehead that was an vein/artery malformation and had terrible headaches for many months. Enough so that I had a hard time getting to work. I ended up having a procedure on my forehead to fix it which completely helped the headaches. I have a scar on my forehead and am trying to figure out if this was deductive reasoning. She says Cecilia was talking about how both of us were having medical issues.

Really what came out of it all is that I NOW know that Cecilia wants to eat mashed potatoes, is attracted to masculine energy, really wants to catch a butterfly in her mouth and of course she loves me a lot.