So a few notable things to update since last years post.
1. I have a new nephew. His name is Emmett and he was begat of Allison. He's cute of course. Actually he is a much cuter newborn then I have ever seen. Newborns are generally ugly little creatures to me until they are at least a month old. Here he is over 1 month so you can't really compare, but he was cute fresh out of the womb too. Allison had him at home. She thinks she's bad ass. I agree.
2. I started Roller Derby. My name is Mal. For a few reasons, one of them french, and one of them Nathan Fillion. My number is 23th. Mainly because I find typos humorous. Also could have been 22rd or 24nd. But 23th was easier to say.

I heart Roller Derby. It has been an amazing experience that I am loving. I joined a rec league in Salt Lake called the Red Rockettes. It was a 12 week session in which you learn to skate and learn the skills needed to pass a minimum skills test which enables you to play in scrimmages. I learned. I passed. I play. We completed the first 12 week session and we started the second last week. Every Thursday I go to Derby with the Red Rockettes and every Tuesday I go to an endurance/strategy/hitting practice that the Wasatch Roller Derby league so graciously invited us to attend. I love these girls and it is odd for me to say that. I am generally an anti-social creature and I don't make friends quickly so it is odd for me to instantly have this huge support system of women that are so welcoming, so interesting and fun as hell. I gained 40 facebook friends in a month and I do not add facebook friends unless I have at least had several great interactions with someone. I am having a great time.
I am in grey skirt in this one. Going for a block to Ruby Rocket.
Going to try to block Primrose Wrath. Bandita had already had it covered.
Hip whip drill with Sugarplum Scary.

Learning valuable nuggets of wisdom from Derby Mama England.
And my favorite derby photo so far. The epic fall. That's me, on the ground in the black helmet. Margie Ram went down with me. I got right back up, but you know it is a good one when all of the spectators and players let out a huge gasp. I love their faces.
That being said, I am having a bit of a dilemma figuring out how to reconcile my derby time and new friends with my family and old friends. They don't have much in common and wouldn't be in the same circles. I can't imagine putting my mom in the same room as "Drew Fairywhore" who I adore.
Today is Thursday. Thursday Derby Day.
Here are some of my mates. Some in the group include, Kick Sass, Launchpad McCrash, Gyro, England's Glory, Scarlett O'Hairpulla, Drew FairyWhore, Rubber Raw, D.D. Diamond, Bruiser Ego, Temper-Edict and Mannarama.